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Two Days. Three Legs.

3 12 2013


In just two days I will be taking my Salem Bynx in for amputation surgery.  After weeks of going back and forth on what to do we have decided to give it to try.  Salem is telling us he still has a lot of life in him and if hes not giving up than neither am I.  Perhaps this will only keep him going for a few more months, but its better than the alternative.


Im really glad I found this place.  I believe that all of you on here have been through everything that I’m thinking and feeling.  Plus this gives me a wonderful space to be able to write about what is happening and his recovery.


<3 Kendi



4 responses to “Two Days. Three Legs.”

    3 12 2013
      benny55 (04:51:29) :     Reply

    Salem, you are one fine looking kitty! You have LOVELY eyes!

    I know your mom is sooo proud of you! She’s a wonderful advocate foryou Salem! You two are a strong team!

    and ya’ know what…in dog years, six months is is three and a half years! I think it’s somewhat the same in kitty cat years!! Soooooo go for it Salem!! We’re cheering you on!

    You deserve someice cream tonight! Yes you do!!

    Sending you positive energy!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

    3 12 2013
      fourminipups (05:16:12) :     Reply

    Welcome and know we are here for anything you may need. Erica and Jiil will be a great resource for you and I’m sure she will be checking in.

    Take care and keep us updated. We will be sending our pawsitive thoughts your way.

    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

    3 12 2013
      Linda Morrice (10:41:15) :     Reply

    Good luck to both Salem and you.

    Try to relax over the next few days and cuddle with Salem.

    There are no guarantees on any of the journeys we embark on but at least with this one you know you made the decision to go forward with the surgery based on what is right for Salem.


    Linda and Tucker

    3 12 2013
      cldavis (16:08:55) :     Reply

    Hello Salem! Tripawd Fang’s mom here! Just popping in to wish you all the best – things will be looking up in no time. 🙂

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