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Anxiety is setting in!

4 12 2013


I have to say that 24 hours later I am getting a bit nervous about this surgery.  I am sure everyone has gone through this phase.  I know in my heart this is what is best.  I also know its not a sure fix.  There is still a mass there that needs to be remembered.  I wish that it wasn’t in  a place that was more risky to get to than an amputation so I could know what was exactly going on.  The vet said there is a slim chance it might not even be cancer.  However I am to remember it most likely is.  It’s not effecting him at the moment, his blood work is crystal clear right now which surprised her and me.  If it wasn’t for the leg we would have had no idea there was even a mass there.  So I suppose it was a blessing in disguise.

The other issue I am having right now is some people seem to think I am making the wrong decision.  That I’m only thinking of myself and not my cat.  Mostly because of the money.  I never want to say… well I can’t afford you so I’m going to put you down.  EVER.  I will never give him away because I can not afford him.  I will do whatever it takes to make him happy and comfortable.  If that means extra shifts, a second job, begging people for donations… so be it.  My best friend did not agree with me getting a second opinion.  She believes everyone is just out for the money.  This doctor was so down to earth so honest and I believed her.  Plus this particular vet will allow you to make payments at WHATEVER you can afford.  They are there for YOU and for your PET.  I love it.  My other vet is not like this at all.  I have insurance through my other vet and I STILL paid less for this visit than with them.  I also found out my vet is a training facility.  Thats…. not good for my pets at all.  So yes before you all ask… I will be moving the other two over to this new vet as well.  I also have a dog named Jack and a female kitty named Athena.

August 4th I lost my kitty Loki to renal failure/diabetes.  So yeah my wounds are still extremely fresh.  My friend seems to think it would be better if I lost Salem now as it might not make the blow so hard.  Really????  I know she has the best intentions for me and my pets but sometimes it can be a bit much.  Has anyone out there had to deal with these kind of issues?  Everyone has the right to their opinion but sometimes it might be in the way you convey it that can make or break something.

<3 Kendi and Salem



6 responses to “Anxiety is setting in!”

    4 12 2013
      benny55 (04:25:22) :     Reply

    Hi Kendi and Salem!

    Yeah, this “pre-surgery” is full of sooooooo many mixed emotins, second guessing, just plain scared!! And then you look i to Salem’s eyes and you know she wants every chance possible. She’s willing to take the risk to get more loving and spoiling from you.

    As far as well intentined friends…well…they haven’t done the research ou have and they don’t know Salem like you do! Very few people can grasp that this commnity is fullofpeople who chop their pet’s leg off!! And hapy we did!!

    There’s a thread on here of great responses to say to people…I’m ot computer savvy enough to tell you where to fi d it. It’s old…it’s probavly under “Anything Goes”.

    I learned not to even mention my decision any ore when it came t amputatng Hapy Hannah’s leg. I just said I’m following an aggressive treatment plan and it’s really workng very well.

    That’s why we are all “best friends” in this commuity…why we call ourselves “family”…because we UNDERSTAND!! We do NOT judge, regardless of the decision people make. You stay right here with us, okay? And really, do’t even discuss it anymore with others. You are VERY comfortable with your vet. We understand doing whatever it takes to help our furbavies. And, it depends on the i dividual, but after the conversation you had with the “good” vet, I would always second guess myself if I hadn’t tried.

    You are making a decisin out of love for Salem. And THAT is the right decision!

    It sou ds like you have a WO DERFUL pack. I’m sorry for your loss this past August. But I kow that was ne very loved kitty rightup til the end! She’syour guardian angel now and she’ll take good care of you and Salem.

    Remember, we care, we understand, and we are here for you to support you and Salem!!

    Trrrrry ot t worry, okay? Salem will do f e a d you will jave wo derful quality ti e to love and spoil!!

    Love the picture! Look ow c tent Salem is! Nlt worried avout a thing!!


    Sally and Happy Hannah

    4 12 2013
      neka03 (06:51:51) :     Reply

    Hello, I just found out today in a confirmed biopsy that my dog Neka also has cancer and will be getting her amputation next week. I am an adult upper 30’s at a return (broke) physical therapy student. I also have gotten some criticism about performing a surgery on my dog as she is 10, yet a young 10, in the same week I first lost my cat to also diabetes DKA due to, I believe a emergency vet dropping the ball, 3 days later I palpated a mass on my dogs leg. Im thinking “really?”… I was barely given time to mourn my precious cat. My girl (neka) xrays and ultrasound were also negative as the thought is I caught it super early, I actually went through the expense of biopsy, in hopes, reaching for some small chance it wasnt what we were all thinking. But here I am, looking for support not knowing. I am on board with you, I owe it to her, how do I just stand by and watch her die, especially if a solution was offered and no spread was detected. Do not let other people influences your thoughts and emotions. What is one persons stress is another persons pleasure, and some of us just take our ownership more to heart.

    4 12 2013
      trituck (11:43:08) :     Reply

    Good morning Kendi

    Sally said it all…and I wholeheartedly agree! You are doing what is right for Salem – you know him best and you did get the best medical advice you could. One person I know who heard about Tuck’s surgery reminded me that I had spent less on Tuck’s surgery than some people do on a vacation that they did not enjoy – and they knew how much I love Tuck and how important he is in my life….and this person is not even an animal lover. For now, don’t be surprised at the various reactions you get – just know in your heart that you are doing what is right for Salem and that you have joined a great community that will support you unconditionally.

    As you know, there are no guarantees on this journey but, in my humble opinion, you have taken the first step in the right direction.

    Relax as much as you can today….snuggle with Salem……and breathe!

    Linda and Tucker

    4 12 2013
      jerry (13:45:39) :     Reply

    I’m really sorry about your other kitty.

    Yep, your emotions are very common. But just know that you are doing the best you can with the information and help that you have. Salem is just happy that you are such a good momma.

    You really have to tune out the naysayers and listen to your heart. We have lots of comebacks for folks in this forum discussion, feel free to use ’em!

    4 12 2013
      Christine (15:27:08) :     Reply

    I’m sorry.. but anyone who says to you that you are doing the wrong thing.. or judge you because you are doing it… has never felt the bond that we, you , I have had with our animals.
    Sad in a way isn’t it? Makes you almost pity them that they are missing out on that love.
    But then again… those that say that.. have never been through it either and they just don’t understand…
    Not everyone will agree with what you are doing.. and that’s ok. as long as you are doing it for the right reason.. then you don’t even need to worry about anyone else..
    My Franklin was 14 when he had his leg amputated!!! FOURTEEN!!!! and you know what.. we never even heard anything from my sweeties sister, or brother in laws.. not een a “hey.. how did things go?” and when we lost him, we never heard anything either. Pretty sad…
    Keep us posted.. and try to keep your sanity!!
    Christine…. with Franklin in her heart♥

    4 12 2013
      rica55 (17:00:33) :     Reply

    oh I remember that anxiety feeling so well!It was just about a year ago this time I was going through it! Writing Jill’s blog helped me a LOT and chatting with everyone here did the same. Just remember you are doing the best you can for Salem and being the best Mom you can be. Just follow your instinct and try to keep busy the next couple of days. I know that’s easier said than done….but if you can try to keep your mind off of it. Tomorrow will be hard until you get the call that he’s out of surgery and doing well, but we’re here if you need us to keep your mind busy!

    Erica & Jill

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