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First Day Home.

7 12 2013


Salem is finally home and has been resting next to me all day.  We did have a small issue though.  When the Vet went to check on him this morning he had fluid around his one lung.  Oddly it was on the opposite side of the mass.  So we really have no idea why it was there.  They removed 300ml from him.  She told me to come see him and by his reaction she would decide our next steps.  As soon as he saw me he perked up.  She felt that even though he is still having a little trouble breathing that he would do much better home with me.

Dr Wilson says that she doesnt know what to do because he honestly keeps stumping her.  She thinks maybe its time for him to go but then he fights back.  She has been trying to figure out what is wrong and everything keeps coming back clear.  I wish I knew what was going on and how we can fight this all if we can.

He seems to still be comfy though.  and thats all I want.

<3 Kendi and Salem



6 responses to “First Day Home.”

    7 12 2013
      benny55 (05:14:26) :     Reply

    Sweet Salem is HOME surounded by love and all the comfy feelings of beng withyou!

    You are doing everything you can and you are givng him the best chance possible. I know it’s frustrating to not know what’s going on. This “fluid stuff” sounds like it was going to happen no matter what. I’m glad the vet was able to drain it and can do it again if it becomes a problem. Salem’s breathing may sound a little different due to the drugs too..

    Please keep us posted on Salem’s progress. He may want to eat in another day or so. He’ll start recoverng slowly but surely. KEEPIG ALL PAWS CROSSED FOR YOU AND SALEM!

    Hugs to you both!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

      7 12 2013
        salembynxmommy (06:00:48) :     Reply

      he ate twice and drank water for me, plus a few treats. he also used the litter box all on his own!!!

    7 12 2013
      fourminipups (15:14:58) :     Reply

    Sending healing thoughts your way. Salem is a fighter.

    Take care. We will watch for updates.

    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

    7 12 2013
      chelleb78 (15:21:48) :     Reply

    Welcome home, Salem!

    7 12 2013
      Codie Rae (21:19:27) :     Reply

    The Oaktown Pack has all lucky 13 paws crossed for Salem’s speedy and uneventful recovery! Keep on stumping the vet Salem!

    Codie Rae and the OP

    7 12 2013
      trituck (22:19:13) :     Reply

    Salem clearly wants to continue on this journey with you.

    Try to rest – give him lots of snuggles.

    Linda and Tucker

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