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Vet Check-Up #1

10 12 2013


I have never been prouder of this little guy.  He is fighting so darn hard and coming out a winner.  The vet today said if it wasn’t for the mass he’s 100%.  Hell, he was all sitting up waiting for her when she came in.  She almost cried.  Apparently she had been thinking about him all day as well.  His lungs and everything were pretty clear, just a tad bit of fluid, which we removed and sent out for testing.  I also mentioned this lump thats been on his shoulder for MONTHS.  I was constantly told to ignore it, what did I know?  Now Im like… huh.  SO I asked her about it, of course she was mad I was told to ignore it.  She also aspirated it and is going to look at it and see if maybe THIS is how we can find out whats going on with him.  If anything, atleast we will know.  Atleast we will know if there is even some kind of treatment.

He’s such a little trooper.  He honestly makes me view life differently.  If he can get up the next day and walk on three legs then hell I can get up and go do anything.   Hes my little partner in crime and we’ll get through this.

We also have quite the little fan club and we love each and everyone of you!!!!

<3 Kendi and Salem



3 responses to “Vet Check-Up #1”

    10 12 2013
      fourminipups (06:29:24) :     Reply

    Keep fighting Salem! We are supporting you and praying for you.

    10 12 2013
      Mary (17:34:04) :     Reply

    How is Salem doing now? Luv ya!

      13 12 2013
        salembynxmommy (07:02:45) :     Reply

      hes doing good!!!! thank you for watching the blog site cuz!!!

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