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Napping all day? Ok!

14 12 2013

Not really anything to report today.  Salem and Mommy spent a lot of time sleeping today!  I’ve been pretty exhausted and I guess I just slept the day away!  Salem seems to be doing pretty well today.  I got new medicine to try as he has not been letting me get his steroid in him.  So we will try this stuff to put on his ear and see how that goes.

As I type this Salem’s fiesty sister Athena is laying with me.  This is quite unusual for her.  She tends to stay with my brother pretty much 24-7.  I think after I lost Loki I was not ready to let another kitty in, but the world had other plans for me!  We are still getting to know each other.  She really is a wonderful kitty.  My little princess!

It irks me that her “family” just dropped her off here and took off but shes in a great home now.  And Im pretty sure she knows it!

<3 Kendi, Salem, AND Athena




2 responses to “Napping all day? Ok!”

    15 12 2013
      cldavis (12:51:51) :     Reply

    Awww, well sleeping all day is like, what cat’s are the very best at! I’m sure Salem’s glad to have a snuggle buddy for sleeping time too :P. And yep, kitty’s have their own plans about whether or not you have room in your heart for another kitty – believe me, somehow I ended up with 5 cats and that was not my plan. Haha 😀

      16 12 2013
        salembynxmommy (04:55:09) :     Reply

      Thats very true! If I could I would have A LOT of kitties and puppies!!!

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