I spent most of my day working today. However I was so surprised to wake up and find Salem down on the floor eating away. He had also used his box. Saddly I had to leave my little buddy but I heard he waited for my by the door for a bit. When I got home today my mom tells me we have a situation. Naturally my mind went crazy thinking the worse. Here it was that some how Salem had gotten out of his onesie and had been on and off my bed all day. The onesie… well it was missing, no where to be found! I found the silly thing in my closet in my dirty laundry pile. Hmm. Curious. LOL
So I put a clean one on him and got him some food. We got a lovely care package today in the mail with all kinds of food and treats for him. Needless to say he was very excited and ate all of the treat I gave him.
His breathing seems to be much better today too. He still gets a little winded when he tries to get around but hes doing great! I can only hope and pray that all he does is improve. I am so proud of my baby. He’s such a fighter!
<3 Kendi
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Salem is finally home and has been resting next to me all day. We did have a small issue though. When the Vet went to check on him this morning he had fluid around his one lung. Oddly it was on the opposite side of the mass. So we really have no idea why it was there. They removed 300ml from him. She told me to come see him and by his reaction she would decide our next steps. As soon as he saw me he perked up. She felt that even though he is still having a little trouble breathing that he would do much better home with me.
Dr Wilson says that she doesnt know what to do because he honestly keeps stumping her. She thinks maybe its time for him to go but then he fights back. She has been trying to figure out what is wrong and everything keeps coming back clear. I wish I knew what was going on and how we can fight this all if we can.
He seems to still be comfy though. and thats all I want.
<3 Kendi and Salem
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Got the call around noon today that my little love bug did even better than the vet expected!!! He was coming to way before those that had surgery before him was and laid with mommy’s shirt all day. I am so glad I did that for him. I was even sent a picture of him sleeping under it! It was an amazing comfort to have a trusted friend there with him all day and night, sending me updates every little bit.
He is such a strong brave little baby and this has proven to me that I followed my heart correctly and that even if we still only have a few months left, that I did right by him as he is STILL fighting. If he is fighting than mommy is going to fight twice as hard. For him and for me. I bought him some onesies a new blankie, a treat a new collar and a new food dish. He will be spoiled, very spoiled (more than before hahahaha)
I just can not wait to go and see him and bring him home where he belongs. Working all day was killing me but it made it better to get those updates. My coworkers said I was even more happier today. I said it was because Im just a bit more hopeful now.
Mommy loves you Bynxers!!!!!
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The above image is how his leg looked a few weeks ago. Today I looked at it and its not even a leg anymore. It looks like a zombie ate it O_O I almost wish it was back to the picture, back when maybe his leg had a chance. I feel like I have been pushed around and pulled all over when all I have ever wanted is to give Salem a good home and to make him as well as I can possibly get him. He’s been my little buddy for 6 years now. We do everything together, my homework, my crafting, watching the twilight zone (netflix YEAH!), playing with his string (that he ripped out of my hoodie…) everything. We’ve been like that since the beginning. If I went away on a trip he would wait and wait. He would come running when I would get home, even if I just left for work. Even with his leg the way it is, he still waits.
Now I will wait for him. I have to say yesterday’s anxiety was NOTHING compared to now LOL Ive cried a little, ranted and vented a little, and just sat here praying a little as well. I am so glad I found this group and that those of you who have commented have found me as well. Its incredibly comforting to know you guys are there.
When I post tomorrow I hope to post that he did great and hes going to be ok! Apart of me is still worried he wont make it home though. Prayers abound!
<3 Kendi and Salem
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I have to say that 24 hours later I am getting a bit nervous about this surgery. I am sure everyone has gone through this phase. I know in my heart this is what is best. I also know its not a sure fix. There is still a mass there that needs to be remembered. I wish that it wasn’t in a place that was more risky to get to than an amputation so I could know what was exactly going on. The vet said there is a slim chance it might not even be cancer. However I am to remember it most likely is. It’s not effecting him at the moment, his blood work is crystal clear right now which surprised her and me. If it wasn’t for the leg we would have had no idea there was even a mass there. So I suppose it was a blessing in disguise.
The other issue I am having right now is some people seem to think I am making the wrong decision. That I’m only thinking of myself and not my cat. Mostly because of the money. I never want to say… well I can’t afford you so I’m going to put you down. EVER. I will never give him away because I can not afford him. I will do whatever it takes to make him happy and comfortable. If that means extra shifts, a second job, begging people for donations… so be it. My best friend did not agree with me getting a second opinion. She believes everyone is just out for the money. This doctor was so down to earth so honest and I believed her. Plus this particular vet will allow you to make payments at WHATEVER you can afford. They are there for YOU and for your PET. I love it. My other vet is not like this at all. I have insurance through my other vet and I STILL paid less for this visit than with them. I also found out my vet is a training facility. Thats…. not good for my pets at all. So yes before you all ask… I will be moving the other two over to this new vet as well. I also have a dog named Jack and a female kitty named Athena.
August 4th I lost my kitty Loki to renal failure/diabetes. So yeah my wounds are still extremely fresh. My friend seems to think it would be better if I lost Salem now as it might not make the blow so hard. Really???? I know she has the best intentions for me and my pets but sometimes it can be a bit much. Has anyone out there had to deal with these kind of issues? Everyone has the right to their opinion but sometimes it might be in the way you convey it that can make or break something.
<3 Kendi and Salem
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In just two days I will be taking my Salem Bynx in for amputation surgery. After weeks of going back and forth on what to do we have decided to give it to try. Salem is telling us he still has a lot of life in him and if hes not giving up than neither am I. Perhaps this will only keep him going for a few more months, but its better than the alternative.
Im really glad I found this place. I believe that all of you on here have been through everything that I’m thinking and feeling. Plus this gives me a wonderful space to be able to write about what is happening and his recovery.
<3 Kendi
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