….How incredibly much I miss you. I truly do. I finally made myself take out your blanket. I slept for the first time in days once it was laying next to me…
Awww, Sweet Salem, we miss you too. I’m glad your momma can snuggle your blankie and think of you. I think everyone here can relate to keepng that “special blanket” or “special pillow” forever. It is comforting to have something that has their scent, their fur, their “mprnt”. to snuggle with.
I’m so glad you posted here today. We can all relate to the sadness and the grief that seems like it will last forever. It will always be with you, but thenhappy memories will co ti ue to make a place in your heart snd give you smiles.
You two had a very special bond. Always remember that can never be broken.
And always rememer this whole community is here for you. Zzit’s so life-affirming when you post pictures of Salem snd share more of his life we us. He is a very, very special boy. You made him feel loved every second of eeryday.
Take care nd keep sniggling with Salem’s blanket…..he likes that!
Awww, Sweet Salem, we miss you too. I’m glad your momma can snuggle your blankie and think of you. I think everyone here can relate to keepng that “special blanket” or “special pillow” forever. It is comforting to have something that has their scent, their fur, their “mprnt”. to snuggle with.
I’m so glad you posted here today. We can all relate to the sadness and the grief that seems like it will last forever. It will always be with you, but thenhappy memories will co ti ue to make a place in your heart snd give you smiles.
You two had a very special bond. Always remember that can never be broken.
And always rememer this whole community is here for you. Zzit’s so life-affirming when you post pictures of Salem snd share more of his life we us. He is a very, very special boy. You made him feel loved every second of eeryday.
Take care nd keep sniggling with Salem’s blanket…..he likes that!
Hugs and love!
Sally and Happy Hannah